1: 1. High in natural sugars 2. May cause blood sugar spikes

2: 3. Often sprayed with pesticides 4. Not ideal for low-carb diets

3: 5. High in calories 6. Can be allergenic for some

4: 7. Can be expensive 8. Not as nutrient-dense as other fruits

5: 9. Could contribute to weight gain 10. Not ideal for those with digestive issues

6: 11. May have negative impact on dental health 12. Limited availability in certain seasons

7: 13. May not be as versatile in recipes 14. Not as filling as other smoothie ingredients

8: 15. Potential for overconsumption of sugar 16. Not recommended for those on a strict diet

9: 17. Consider alternative fruits for healthier smoothies 18. Opt for lower-sugar options for a balanced diet